sql - Display grid on basis of Enquiry No -

the below query displays me result want show in grid.

select bb.project_id, bb.building_id, bb.flat_id flat_id,    cc.cust_enq_no enquiry_no, cc.name enquiry_name,    to_char (cc.f_followup_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') last_followup_date,    cc.f_remarks last_followup_comments  xxacl_pn_flat_det_v bb inner join xxcus.xxacl_pn_customer_enquiry_v cc    on bb.project_id = cc.mkey 

but there change in requirement.

now each f_flat_id there multiple cust_enq_no say

select * xxcus.xxacl_pn_customer_enquiry_v f_flat_id = '18158' 

it has 3 records.

so first query,

how multiple cust_enq_no


i want filter , display in grid

protected void displaygridenquiry() {     oraclecommand cmd1 = new oraclecommand("select bb.project_id, bb.building_id, bb.flat_id flat_id, cc.cust_enq_no enquiry_no, " +                                            "cc.name enquiry_name, to_char (cc.f_followup_date,'dd/mm/yyyy') last_followup_date, cc.f_remarks last_followup_comments " +                                            "from xxacl_pn_flat_det_v bb inner join xxcus.xxacl_pn_customer_enquiry_v cc " +                                            "on bb.project_id = cc.mkey", objpricon);     datatable dtfillgrid1 = new datatable();     oracledataadapter da1 = new oracledataadapter(cmd1);     da1.fill(dtfillgrid1);      dataview dview1 = new dataview(dtfillgrid1);     dview1.rowfilter = "project_id = '" + ddlproject.selectedvalue + "' , building_id = '" + ddlbuilding.selectedvalue + "' , flat_id = '" + ddlunit.selecteditem.text + "'";     gridenquiry.datasource = dview1.totable();     gridenquiry.databind(); } 

select bb.project_id, bb.building_id, bb.flat_id flat_id,    cc.cust_enq_no enquiry_no, cc.name enquiry_name,    to_char (cc.f_followup_date, 'dd/mm/yyyy') last_followup_date,    cc.f_remarks last_followup_comments   xxacl_pn_flat_det_v bb  left join xxcus.xxacl_pn_customer_enquiry_v cc on  bb.flat_id=cc.f_flat_id 


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