ios - How To Get A Perfect Position Of Rotating View? -

i have 1 view , rotating view using cabasicanimation. problem how perfect position of view while rotating. have tried many type of codes can't got perfect position during rotation of view.

cabasicanimation *rotationanimation = [cabasicanimation animationwithkeypath:@"transform.rotation.z"]; nsnumber *currentangle = [circleview.layer.presentationlayer valueforkeypath:@"transform.rotation"]; rotationanimation.fromvalue = currentangle; rotationanimation.tovalue = @(50*m_pi); rotationanimation.duration = 50.0f;             // might fast rotationanimation.repeatcount = huge_valf;     // huge_valf defined in math.h import [circleview.layer addanimation:rotationanimation forkey:@"rotationanimationleft"]; 

i using code rotating view.

i have attached 1 photo of view.

thank in advance please if know.

enter image description here

to view's parameters during animation should use view.layer.presentationlayer


in order coordinate of top left corner of view, use following code:

- (cgpoint)currenttopleftpointoftheview:(uiview *)view {     cgrect rect = view.bounds;     rect.origin.x = - 0.5 * cgrectgetwidth(rect);     rect.origin.y = - 0.5 * cgrectgetheight(rect);      cgpoint originaltopleftcorner = cgpointmake(cgrectgetminx(rect), cgrectgetminy(rect));     cgpoint rectcenter = cgpointmake(cgrectgetmidx(rect), cgrectgetmidy(rect));     cgfloat radius = sqrt(pow(rectcenter.x - originaltopleftcorner.x, 2.0) + pow(rectcenter.y - originaltopleftcorner.y, 2.0));      cgfloat originalangle = m_pi - acos((rectcenter.x - originaltopleftcorner.x) / radius);      catransform3d currenttransform = ((calayer *)view.layer.presentationlayer).transform;     cgfloat rotation = atan2(currenttransform.m12, currenttransform.m11);      cgfloat resultangle = originalangle - rotation;     cgpoint currenttopleftcorner = cgpointmake(round(rectcenter.x + cos(resultangle) * radius), round(rectcenter.y - sin(resultangle) * radius));      return currenttopleftcorner; } 

resulting cgpoint coordinate of top left corner of (rotated) view relative superview.


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