objective c - How to wait until code is done. iOS -
i can call selector code
[self performselector:<#(sel)#> onthread:<#(nsthread *)#> withobject:<#(id)#> waituntildone:<#(bool)#>]
and thread wait until selector working (if set waituntildone:yes). question - can wait until code done?
for example. have subview, loads animation. animation duration 2 sec. , if make actions on background view, while animating, have error. i'd wait until animation over. , can't make selector, , use
[self performselector:<#(sel)#> onthread:<#(nsthread *)#> withobject:<#(id)#> waituntildone:<#(bool)#>]
any suggestions? )
you can try way
-(void)waituntildone:(void(^)(void))waitblock { //use statement or call method here if(waitblock){ waitblock(); } }
and need use as
[self.tableview waituntildone:^{ //call required method here }];
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