ios - View not shown upon performSegueWithIdentifier -

so have splitview. on left hand side have tableview. has plus sign. when tap create new managedobject woman. set stored variable property on detailvc called woman. segue detailvc editvc changing data. when hit plus sign works should.

when first select woman in tableview (showing data on detailvc) , hit plus i'm not seguing. know why?


self.detailviewcontroller!.woman = woman self.detailviewcontroller?.managedobjectcontext = self.managedobjectcontext self.detailviewcontroller?.performseguewithidentifier("editwomansegue", sender: self.detailviewcontroller!) 

i looked in prepareforsegue of detailvc. in prepareforsegue of detailvc i'm doing: code:

let editvc = segue.destinationviewcontroller as! editwomanviewcontroller editvc.managedobjectcontext = self.managedobjectcontext editvc.woman = self.woman 

i put print on setting of woman stored variable property in editwomanvc , yes set. problem view not shown or loaded (viewdidload isn't called for) :s

i might have found solution. have running now. solved first performing segue mastervc detailvc. in detailvc i'm performing again segue editwomanvc when attribute of woman empty in detailvc. works. still wonder why not perform segue on detailvc

       self.detailviewcontroller?.performseguewithidentifier("editwomansegue", sender: self.detailviewcontroller!) 



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