lync 2013 - Ucma4 Delayed Response when using PresenceServices BeginPresenceQuery -

on test machine , when sending request front end, have great response (two seconds). on production, request takes 30 sec or more , organization have more 5000 users. if have away sips status using ucma? ucwa cannot using. any idea ?

code :

public dictionary<string, string> getagentsavailability(list<string> usersuris) {     lock (lockobj)     {         agentsavailability = new dictionary<string, string>();         try         {             if (usersuris != null && usersuris.count > 0)             {                 iasyncresult agentavailabilitycheck = applicationendpoint.presenceservices.beginpresencequery(usersuris, new string[] { "state" },null, null);                 waithandle[] w = new waithandle[] { agentavailabilitycheck.asyncwaithandle };                 waithandle.waitall(w, 3000);            }             else             {                 writeentry.elog("platform - getagentsavailability - no agent sips check.", eventlogentrytype.information);             }         }         catch (exception ex)         {             writeentry.elog(ex.tostring(), eventlogentrytype.error);             throw;         }         return agentsavailability;     } } 

for such large number of users i'd recommend using presence subscription inform of current presence , presence changes rather trying check presence of users @ once.

see following microsoft article on working presence , groups more details

there's quite lot on above link functionality after centred on remotepresenceview class.


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