ios - How to set UITextField in UINavigationBar sizeToFit? -

i have been unable find solution issue. unable give uitextfield, textfield, sizetofit property when placed in uinavigationbar.

i have tried: textfield.sizetofit()

and of course interface builder doesn't give options when put uinavigationbar. solutions awesome, thank you!

create outlet textfield , call function in viewdidload(you paste code below directly in viewdidload):

func setwidth() {     var frame: cgrect = self.textfield.frame     frame.size.width = self.view.frame.width     self.textfield.frame = frame } 


iphone 6s plus: enter image description here

iphone 6: enter image description here

iphone 5: enter image description here

change size on rotation add following lines of code:

in viewdidload add observer:

nsnotificationcenter.defaultcenter().addobserver(self, selector: "rotated", name: uideviceorientationdidchangenotification, object: nil) 

add function detect orientation , resize textfield:

func rotated(){     if(uideviceorientationislandscape(uidevice.currentdevice().orientation)){         print("landscape")         setwidth()     }      if(uideviceorientationisportrait(uidevice.currentdevice().orientation)){         print("portrait")         setwidth()     } } 


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