ios - Presenting a view controller without changing the status bar color, like UIAlertController -
when performing network operations, present modal view controller (similar mbprogresshud view controller) prevent user interaction , indicate progress. the view controller has modalpresentationstyle = .custom , animated using transitioning delegate , custom presentation controller. beyond animating transitions have no custom actions driving presentation. the problem have whenever view controller presented, turns status bar color black. override preferredstatusbarstyle make return .lightcontent view controller presented on view controller .default , don't want change there either. basically, want have same behavior uialertcontroller . i have tried configuring presentation controller move presented view controller out of status bar space: private class seuiprogresscontrollerpresentationcontroller: uipresentationcontroller { override func shouldpresentinfullscreen() -> bool { return false } private override func frameofpresentedviewinco...