Polymorphic relation in laravel for following a user -

i've user model , likes table. applied polymorphic relation it.

likes table has following structure:

user_id --- likeable_id ---- likeable_type eg: 1 ---- 5 ---- app\user  //this indicates user 1 follows 5 eg: 3 ---- 1 ---- app\user  //this indicates user 3 follows 1 

now i'm trying followers , following list.

in user model added

 public function likes()   {         return $this->morphmany(like::class, 'likeable');   }      public function followers()     {         return $this->belongsto('app\like', 'likeable_id', 'user_id');     } 

and controller, i've tried this:

$user1 = user::with('followers')->where('username', $username)->first(); 

but it's returning null followers relation. doing right?

got answer myself: in user model -

public function followers() {     return $this->morphmany('app\like', 'likeable')->with('user'); }  public function following() {     return $this->morphmany('app\like', 'user', 'likeable_type')->with('user'); } 


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