- How to convert any formatted text box date to DateTime(YYYY-mm-dd)format -

i working date comes in different format like





5."jan 01 2016"

6."2016-01-02 12:00 am"

now want convert above mentioned format date datetime format yyyy-mm-dd.

i tried many methods format shows error message like

'string not correct format'

'unable convert string value datetime'

i tried,

datetime date=datetime.parseexact(txtdate.text,'yyyy-mm-dd',cultureinfo.invariantculture); 

how can cast/convert value datetime format(yyyy-mm-dd) format text box value.

mostly geting error afteri upload server(godaddy , microsoft azure).

can use this

string datetimes=txtdate.text;

string[] datetimes = new string[] { "yyyy-mm-dd", "dd-mm-yyyy","mm/dd/yyyy","yyyy/mm/dd"}; 

your code isn't quite right. date format string should surrounded " (double quotes) , casing should "yyyy-mm-dd". cultureinfo.invariantculture spelt incorrectly.

having said that, shouldn't need use parseexact function convert string datetime format. can use convert.todatetime

here's sample code used test convert.datetime function:

string[] datetimes = new string[] { "2010-02-01", "02-03-2011", "03/04/2012", "2013/05/04", "june 05 2014", "2015-07-06 11:00 am" };  stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); foreach (string date in datetimes) {   datetime dt = convert.todatetime(date);   sb.appendline(dt.tostring("yyyy-mm-dd", cultureinfo.invariantculture)); } string converteddatetimes = sb.tostring(); 

using relevant parts above, can change code following:

try {   datetime date = convert.todatetime(txtdate.text.trim());   string datestring = date.tostring("yyyy-mm-dd", cultureinfo.invariantculture); } catch (formatexception ex) {   //handle exception. e.g. show message or print form. } 


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