java - Can a method receive an Array or Iterable? -

the loop (as foreach) accepts arrays or iterables, there input type covers both, or have write overloaded method? can have in java:

public void serialize (arrayoriterable xxx){   (object x: xxx) {      x.dosomething()   } } 

or choice having repeated code?

public void serialize (object[] xxx){   (object x: xxx) {      x.dosomething()   } }  public void serialize (iterable xxx){   (object x: xxx) {      x.dosomething()   } } 

edit conclusions

even better, class structure abstract class , implementation can define behaviour arrays in asbtract class , implementations need have 1 method overwritten.

public abstract class serializer {      public final void serialize(object[] input) {          serialize(arrays.sslist(input));     }      public abstract void serialize(iterable input);  } 

java, unfortunately, doesn't have reasonable syntax of doing this, iterables , arrays discrete types. however, can improve current code remove duplication of dosomething() calls wrapping array list interface calling arrays.aslist:

public void serialize (object[] xxx){   serialize (arrays.aslist(xxx)); }  public void serialize (iterable xxx){   (object x: xxx) {      x.dosomething()   } } 


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