- page redirect form classic asp to aspx -

i trying redirect existing classic asp page .aspx page. in application have sfcrecinspedt.asp classic asp page. changed in keeping name same have sfcrecinspedt.aspx , sfcrecinspedt.aspx.cs.

how change code if user click on new intend of directed classic asp page should goes sfcrecinspedt.aspx page?

please find below code redirecting classic asp page.

<td width=60%>                     &nbsp;                     <td colspan=10 align="right">                         <%lparam="ladd=add &lfromdate=" & lfromdate & "&ltodate=" & ltodate & "&lplantid=" & lplantid%>                           <a href="javascript:gotonewwindow('sfcrecinspedt.asp?<%=lparam%>',<%=clng(session("width"))%>,<%=clng(session("height"))%>);">                          <img src="/images/newe.gif" border="0" alt="new" valign="middle"><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif" size="1">new</font></a> 

add following under before closing configuration tag in web config file. replace path , destination appropriate paths.

   <location path="foldername/sfcrecinspedt.asp">     <system.webserver>       <httpredirect enabled="true" destination=""        httpresponsestatus="permanent" />             </system.webserver>   </location>  


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