function - how to omit parenthesis in return from a python def -

hello trying build function count words, return has "salad:0 hamburger:2 water:1" notice each item formatted name of item,a colon symbol,count of item , item groups separated space, getting following ('salad:', 1, 'hamburger:', 2, 'water:', 2) how can take () , '' off of return

my code following:

def item_order (order = ""):      order = order      s = order.count('salad')     h = order.count('hamburger')     w = order.count('water')      return 'salad:',s, 'hamburger:',h, 'water:',w                         print  item_order('water hamburger water hamburger salad') 

as said in previous comments, returning tuple, which, when printed, produces output getting

('salad:', 1, 'hamburger:', 2, 'water:', 2) 

in case want return single string mentioned format can do

return ' '.join(('salad:', str(s), 'hamburger:', str(h), 'water:', str(w))) 

which, example, produces

'salad: 1 hamburger: 2 water: 2' 


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