Zend Framework and DOMPDF not rendering special characters -

i'm using zend framework 1.12 along dompdf 0.6.0 beta 3. i'm trying render text in romanian containing special characters (ăîâşţ ĂÎÂŞŢ).

here code:

    $this->_helper->viewrenderer->setnorender();     $this->view->layout()->disablelayout();      require_once 'dompdf_config.inc.php';       $autoloader = zend_loader_autoloader::getinstance(); // assuming we're in controller       $autoloader->pushautoloader('dompdf_autoload');      $html = 'test ăîâşţ ĂÎÂŞŢ';      $dompdf = new dompdf();       $dompdf->set_paper("a4","portrait");       $dompdf->load_html($html);       $dompdf->set_base_path($_server['document_root']);       $dompdf->render();       $dompdf->stream("domaction.pdf");     exit(); 

however, pdf file displays: test ăîâşţ ĂÎÂŞŢ

i'm sure it's got zend autoloader, since dompdf able create .pdf file containing special characters when using in simple example (without zend framework).

any suggestions or solutions?


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