couchdb - What happens if I do not specify a Stale paramter on my view? -

i have couchdb view. add document. query view (whose map fn includes document added).

i know specs if query view stale=ok result not include new document. know if query view stale=update_after result not include document - if call view second time (after delay allows enough processing time view) result document.

but, documentation not clear on happens when not specify stale paramter.

will: a) stale view without document? b) view update , result including document occur?

if answer b) , there x (where x large number) documents pending, view still update before returning results or time out? or switch it's behaviour stale=update_after or stale=ok?

thank time.

by not specifying stale, getting default behavior update view before sending result. (ie: stale results not default, hence additional option)


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