c++ - opencv undistortPoints returning NaN ios -
i have been working opencv, , cannot seem undistortpoints work. matrix returns has nothing nan values.
//newkeypoints std::vector<cv::keypoint>, , it's values valid cv::mat src = cv::mat(1,newkeypoints.size(),cv_32fc2); int = 0; (std::vector<cv::keypoint>::iterator = newkeypoints.begin(); != newkeypoints.end(); it++){ src.at<cv::vec2f>(0,i)[0] = (*it).pt.x; src.at<cv::vec2f>(0,i)[1] = (*it).pt.y; i++; } cv::mat norm = cv::mat(1,newkeypoints.size(),cv_32fc2); //note: fx, fy, cx, cy... k3 global constants declared when initialized cv::mat cameramatrix = cv::mat(3, 3, cv_32f); cameramatrix.at<double>(0,0) = fx; //double fx = 354.65 cameramatrix.at<double>(1,0) = 0; cameramatrix.at<double>(2,0) = 0; cameramatrix.at<double>(0,1) = 0; cameramatrix.at<double>(1,1) = fy; //double fy = 355.66 cameramatrix.at<double>(2,1) = 0; cameramatrix.at<double>(0,2) = cx; //double cx = 143.2 cameramatrix.at<double>(1,2) = cy; //double cy = 173.6 cameramatrix.at<double>(2,2) = 1; cv::mat distco = cv::mat(1, 5, cv_32f); distco.at<double>(0,0) = k1; //double k1 = .005 distco.at<double>(0,1) = k2; //double k2 = .002 distco.at<double>(0,2) = p1; //double p1 = -.009 distco.at<double>(0,3) = p2; //double p2 = -.008 distco.at<double>(0,4) = k3; //double k3 = -.03 cv::undistortpoints(src, norm, cameramatrix, distco); (int p = 0; p<newkeypoints.size(); p++){ printf("%f, %f \n",norm.at<vec2f>(0,p)[0], norm.at<vec2f>(0,p)[1]); }
the value printed "nan, nan". tried using norm std::vector, returned same thing. values of src, cameramatrix, , distco remain unchanged after method called (i tested printing out values), confident giving undistortpoints correct information. using cv::mat incorrectly, using poor form, or bug opencv. insight on here appreciated.
if want matrix store double precision values need declare
cv::mat your_matrix(rows,cols,cv_64fc1);
you haven't done both cameramatrix , distco matrices. trying access 32 bit elements of these arrays 64 bit accessor.
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