excel - Concatenate Columns Of Data -
*edited add: current error i'm receiving. see bottom of post screenshot.
i have text in column d. macro should find blank cells, , concatenate text cells below it.
text starting in d2, displaying this...
blank cell sampletext1 sampletext2 sampletext3 blank cell sampletext4 sampletext5 sampletext6
the macro should display text in d2...
sampletext1, sampletext2, sampletext3
and in d6, this...
sampletext4, sampletext5, sampletext6
..and on.
this needs work in column d, i'm guessing can write range.
the closest answer i've come across here: excel macro concatenate
here code i'm working with...
sub concatcolumns() while activecell <> "" 'loops until active cell blank. 'the "&" must have space on both sides or 'treated variable type of long integer. activecell.offset(0, 1).formular1c1 = _ activecell.offset(0, -1) & " " & activecell.offset(0, 0) activecell.offset(1, 0).select loop end sub
edit: using great code @jeeped receiving error, seen in below screenshot
start bottom , work up, building array of strings. when reach blank cell, join strings using preferred deliminator.
sub build_stringlists() dim rw long, v long, vtmp variant, vstrs() variant dim breversedorder boolean, ddeletesourcerows boolean redim vstrs(0) breversedorder = false ddeletesourcerows = true worksheets("sheet4") rw = .cells(rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row 1 step -1 if isempty(.cells(rw, 1)) redim preserve vstrs(0 ubound(vstrs) - 1) if not breversedorder v = lbound(vstrs) ubound(vstrs) / 2 vtmp = vstrs(ubound(vstrs) - v) vstrs(ubound(vstrs) - v) = vstrs(v) vstrs(v) = vtmp next v end if .cells(rw, 1) = join(vstrs, ", ") .cells(rw, 1).font.color = vbblue if ddeletesourcerows _ .cells(rw, 1).offset(1, 0).resize(ubound(vstrs) + 1, 1).entirerow.delete redim vstrs(0) else vstrs(ubound(vstrs)) = .cells(rw, 1).value2 redim preserve vstrs(0 ubound(vstrs) + 1) end if next rw end end sub
i've left options reversing string list removing original rows of strings.
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