json - flickr.photos.search in python, get tags and exact geolocations for images -
the following python code have far. example of input file is
53.4667 -2.2333 manchester 52.4831 -1.8936 birmingham 53.4000 -3.0000 liverpool 48.8567 2.3508 paris 45.7600 4.8400 lyon 43.2964 5.3700 marseille 43.7034 7.2663 nice
i input lat , lon of different cities, using accuracy 11, city level. want retrieve tags of images @ location along exact geo-locations of image. new python , don't think code achieving appreciated!
import flickrapi api_key = "key" secret_api_key = "secret key" flickr = flickrapi.flickrapi(api_key, secret_api_key) def obtainimages(): file = open('citylist.txt') line in file: fields = line.strip().split() lat = fields[0] lon = fields[1] photo_list = flickr.photos.search(api_key=api_key, lat=lat, lon=lon, accuracy=11, format='parsed-json', per_page='100') print(photo_list) obtainimages()
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