javascript - How to get value of a data-id attribute from selected(different id, same name) datalist (html5) option? -

<input type="text" value="" list="department" /> <datalist id="department">     <option data-id="1" value="arthur"></option>     <option data-id="2" value="arthur"></option>     <option data-id="3" value="king"></option>        <option data-id="4" value="gabriel"></option> </datalist> 

i need access value of 'data-id' selected datalist option on click of "#button" or event. there situation: same value name, different data-id. want correct id. should do? think u!

accessing these values can done in 2 ways vanilla javascript, , neither conflicts regular attributes. either use

  • element.dataset[foo]
  • element.getattribute('data-' + foo) (this 1 has more legacy support)

where foo name of data attribute, i.e. "id" in case

an <input>, <datalist> pair not enforce choice made provided <option>s , hence not offer direct way see option selected, if want use <select> instead.

however, can find if there <option> matches selection iterating through them , checking against value. remember there case nothing matches.

an example of how might follows

document.getelementbyid('check').addeventlistener('click', function () {      var output = document.getelementbyid('output'),          input = document.getelementbyid('foo'),          list = document.getelementbyid('bar'),          i;      (i = 0; < list.options.length; ++i) {          if (list.options[i].value === input.value) {              output.textcontent = list.options[i].getattribute('data-id');              return;          }      }      output.textcontent = 'no match found';  });
<input id="foo" type="text" value="" list="bar" />  <datalist id="bar">      <option data-id="0" value="fizz"></option>      <option data-id="1" value="buzz"></option>>  </datalist>    <button id="check">check</button>  <span id="output">make choice, click check</span>


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