python - Define a sorted function for timestamps/time objects by key -

this question has answer here:

i have dictionary of times , counts. need sort dict in ascending order time. need getting sort useful. right dropping am/pm remove complexity aware i'm running problem there since i'm losing information.


sorted(mydict, key = bytime_key) 


def bytime_key(input):     shorter_input = re.match(r'^(.*) \w\w$', input).group(1)     time = datetime.strptime(shorter_input, '%m/%d/%y %h:%m:%s')     return(time) 

is fine, save doesn't change order, i'm missing fundamental here.

sample dictionary

mydict = {'1/15/2016 10:41:00 am': 11, '1/15/2016 10:43:00 am': 4,           '1/15/2016 10:22:00 am': 46, '1/15/2016 10:30:00 am': 15,           '1/15/2016 10:59:00 am': 34, '1/15/2016 12:06:00 pm': 12,           '1/15/2016 11:42:00 am': 11, '1/15/2016 12:22:00 pm': 1,           '1/15/2016 12:18:00 pm': 5, '1/15/2016 10:52:00 am': 6} 

strptime allows %p directive.

%p locale’s equivalent of either or pm. am, pm (en_us); am, pm (de_de) (1), (2)

key function may simplified to:

from datetime import datetime  result = sorted(mydict, key=lambda s: datetime.strptime(s, "%m/%d/%y %h:%m:%s %p")) expected = ['1/15/2016 10:22:00 am', '1/15/2016 10:30:00 am',              '1/15/2016 10:41:00 am', '1/15/2016 10:43:00 am',             '1/15/2016 10:52:00 am', '1/15/2016 10:59:00 am',              '1/15/2016 11:42:00 am', '1/15/2016 12:06:00 pm',             '1/15/2016 12:18:00 pm', '1/15/2016 12:22:00 pm'] assert result == expected 

note dictionaries inherently unsorted structures. can perform sorting of keys / values / key-value pairs , create ordered representation of data sorted in dictionary. , that's code - sorts keys.


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