javascript - Update form field based upon another form field -
i have form field, called customer. have 2nd form field called "gatecode". want able select customer(which works right via autocomplete script), , upon select of existing customer, auto-populate corresponding "gatecode" customer. possible?
right happens 2nd form field blank upon load, , overwrites "gatecode" whenever form saved.
corresponding customer code :
<input data-type="customername" value="<?php echo isset($invoice['client']['customername']) ? $invoice['client']['customername']: ''; ?>" type="text" class="form-control" id="clientcompanyname" placeholder="company name">
gate code
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="customer_gatecode_modal" name="customer_gatecode_modal" placeholder="gate code">
current jquery code :
$('#clientcompanyname').autocomplete({ source: function( request, response ) { $.ajax({ url : 'ajax.php', datatype: "json", method: 'post', data: { name_startswith: request.term, type: 'customername' }, success: function( data ) { if(!data.length){ var result = [ { label: 'no client found', value: '' } ]; response(result); }else{ response( $.map( data, function( item ) { var code = item.split("|"); return { label: code[1], value: code[1], data : item } })); } } }); }, autofocus: true, minlength: 2, select: function( event, ui ) { if( typeof !== "undefined" ){ var names ="|"); $(this).val(names[1]); getclientaddress(names[0]); //getalarmcode(names[0]); //getotherdata(names[0]); //getotherdata2(names[0]); //getotherdata3(names[0]); //getotherdata4(names[0]); $('#client_id').val( names[0] ); }else{ return false; } } }); function getclientaddress(id){ $.ajax({ url: "ajax.php", method: 'post', data:{id:id, type:'clientaddress'}, success: function(result){ $("#clientaddress").html(result); } }); } function getalarmcode(id){ $.ajax({ url: "ajax.php", method: 'post', data:{id:id, type:'alarmcode'}, success: function(result){ $("#alarmcode").html(result); } }); }
current post code(for alarmcode value) :
if(isset($_post['type']) && $_post['type'] == 'alarmcode' ){ $id = $_post['id']; $query = "select id, alarmcode customers id =$id"; $result = mysqli_query($db->con, $query); $data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $alarmcode = ''; if(!empty( $data )){ $alarmcode = isset($data['alarmcode'])? $data['alarmcode']: ''; } mysqli_close($db->con); echo $alarmcode;exit; }
uses jqueryui. jqueryui offers auto complet function calls webservice (that ajax call). need pass in re searching ('{value:"' + request.term + '"}'). expects list of items clientcompanyname , gatecode elements. whensomething selected list of available items gate code updates. when focus recieved on item both text boxes updated.
$("#clientcompanyname").autocomplete({ source: function(request, response) { $.ajax({ type: "post", contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8", url: //webservicecall, datatype: "json", data: '{value:"' + request.term + '"}', success: function(data) { response($.map(data.d, function (item) { return { label: item.clientcompanyname, value: item.gatecode } })); } }); }, minlength: 2, select: function (event, ui) { event.preventdefault(); $("#clientcompanyname").val(ui.item.key); $("#customer_gatecode_modal").val(ui.item.value); }, focus: function (event, ui) { event.preventdefault(); if (ui.item != null) { $("#clientcompanyname").val(ui.item.key); $("#customer_gatecode_modal").val(ui.item.value); } } }
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