How to map object properties in an Orika custom mapper? -

i tried find answer question in orika documentation no luck.

i have following classes:

public class {     private string partnumber1;     private string partnumber2;     ... }  public class b {     private integer shelfnumber;     private a;     ... }  public class bdto {     private integer selfnumber;     private adto somea;     ... }  public class adto {     private string partnumber;     ... } 

.. , following custommapper's map objects of b objects bdo

@component public class bmapper extends custommapper<b, bdto> {     @override     public void mapatob(b b, bdto bdto, mappingcontext context) {         super.mapatob(b, bdto, context);         //??? here ???       } }  @component public class amapper extends custommapper<a, adto> {     @override     public void mapatob(a a, adto adto, mappingcontext context) {         super.mapatob(a, adto, context);         adto.setpartnumber(a.getpartnumber1() + a.getpartnumber2());     } } 

in client code have:

b b = new b(5, new a("100392", "100342")); bdto bdto =, bdto.class); 

my question is, in bmapper, correct way amapper map "a" "somea"? put differently, correct way map somea in bmapper? suspect can done through interface in mappingcontext object.

i found answer after experimentation. map property objects in main objects mapper, i.e. scenario explained above, 1 can use protected "mapperfacade" member of custommapper.

so can this:

bdto.setsomea(, adto.class)); 


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