cross platform - Create Application bar dynamically -

i want create application bar dynamically in windows phone 8. have used following code create application bar in appbar.cs file

class appbar     {     public appbar()     {         applicationbar appbar;             this.appbar = new applicationbar();             this.appbar.isvisible = true;             this.appbar.opacity = 1;             this.appbar.mode = applicationbarmode.minimized;             applicationbariconbutton appbuton = new applicationbariconbutton();             appbuton.iconuri = new uri("/images/show.png", urikind.relative);             appbuton.text = "show";             this.appbar.buttons.add(appbuton);    += appbuton_click;          }      }          void appbuton_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {          } } 

if have created instance of appbar class, methods called unable see application bar. have given request create appbar webview. javainterface have created instance of application bar given text , icon. how show in web page.

i have solved application bar issue. added application bar parent element(phoneapplicationpage).

class appbar     {     public appbar()     {         applicationbar appbar;         phoneapplicationpage parentpage = (application.current.rootvisual contentcontrol).content phoneapplicationpage;              parentpage.applicationbar =  new applicationbar();                      appbar = parentpage.applicationbar;             appbar.isvisible = true;             appbar.opacity = 1;             appbar.mode = applicationbarmode.minimized;             applicationbariconbutton appbuton = new applicationbariconbutton();             appbuton.iconuri = new uri("/images/show.png", urikind.relative);             appbuton.text = "show";             appbar.buttons.add(appbuton);    += appbuton_click;          }      }          void appbuton_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {          } } 


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