c# - How to instantiate an object of a type passed by parameter, that needs to implement a certain interface? -
lets have interface called imyinterface, , class called myclass implements imyinterface
in class have method has type parameter , type must implement imyinterface valid. e.g. myclass valid argument. in method instantiate object of type passed parameter.
how achieve this? if not possible, solution have similar effect?
there 2 parts of answer. first should validate type type.isassignablefrom
var implementinterface = (typeof(imyinterface)).isassignablefrom(type); if(!implementinterface) // return null, throw exception or handle scenario in own way
next can instantiate object. here several ways can create object of type on fly, 1 use activator.createinstance
// create object of type var obj = (imyinterface)activator.createinstance(type);
and you'll instance of myclass in obj.
another way use reflection:
// public constructors var ctors = type.getconstructors(bindingflags.public); // invoke first public constructor no parameters. var obj = ctors[0].invoke(new object[] { });
and 1 of constructorinfo returned, can "invoke()" arguments , instance of class if you've used "new" operator.
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