latex suite - How to use vim LatexSuite with a Makefile? -

i type :make in vim compile latex document. wrote down compilation rules in makefile, enable latexsuite vim extension, makefile no longer used. instead, vim runs latex -interaction=nonstopmode (note absence of filename) , hangs in command. did not change g:tex_usemakefile option default 1 0 , according documentation, should cause makefile used, it's not.

what configuration needed tell latexsuite use makefile?

latexsuite obtained via opensuse repositories: vim-plugin-latex-20120125-21.1.1.noarch

you can override via following setting in vimrc.

autocmd filetype tex let g:tex_compilerule_dvi = 'make' 

alternatively, set makeprg in $home/.vim/after/ftplugin/tex.vim

set makeprg='make' 

helpful in-source documentation of file <latex-suite-root-folder>/compiler/tex.vim

section " customization of 'makeprg': {{{

this (g:tex_compilerule_dvi) string should directly able cast " &makeprg.


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