rdf - STRAFTER SPARQL 1.1 function in Virtuoso -

does strafter sparql 1.1 work in virtuoso (version 6.04 june 2012 build)?


prefix qb:  <http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#> prefix iodp: <http://data.oceandrilling.org/core/1/> prefix sdmx-dimension:  <http://purl.org/linked-data/sdmx/2009/dimension#> select ?p (strafter(str(?p), "http://data.oceandrilling.org/janus/") ?pshort) <http://data.oceandrilling.org/janus/> {    <http://data.oceandrilling.org/janus/ngr_section201_1226> qb:observation ?observation .    ?observation ?p ?o .    filter (regex(?p, "janus")) .    filter (!regex(?p, "leg")) .    filter (!regex(?p, "site")) .    filter (datatype(?o) = <http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema#decimal>) . } 

at http://data.oceandrilling.org/sparql throws sparql compile error.

no not support straft, need build 6.1.5 see release notes.


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