Depretieation Warning for CSS in Michael Hartel's Ruby on Rails tutorial 7.7 -

i keep getting error css in section 7.7:

deprecation warning: assertion not run because of invalid css  unexpected '#' after '[#<nokogiri::css::node:0x000000076e23f8 @type=:element_name,  @value=["div"]>]' (called block in <class:userssignuptest> @    /home/ubuntu/workspace/sample-app/test/integration/users_signup_test.rb:14)  deprecation warning: assertion not run because of invalid css selector. unexpected '<' after '.' (called block in <class:userssignuptest> @  /home/ubuntu/workspace/sample-app/test/integration/users_signup_test.rb:15) 

the users_signup_test.rb test below specific problem mentioned in deprecation warning in assert_selects (which lines 14 , 15 in code):

 test "invalid signup information" signup_path assert_no_difference 'user.count' post users_path, user: { name: "",                         email: "user@invalid",                         password: "foo",                         password_confirmation: "bar" }   end   assert_template 'users/new'   assert_select 'div#<css id error explanation>'   assert_select 'div.<css class field error>' end 

i've checked code against book , seems has, bothers me because error shows on every test run.

you supposed replace <css id error explanation> id of box you're showing error explanation in -- same class. you've copied suggested template, not runnable code


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