ruby on rails - Seeding fails: "field can't be blank" but I'm seeding with a value -

i have required field article table:

t.string  :article_type, null: false 

and in model:

validates :article_type,  presence: true enum article_type:        [ :type1, :type2, :type3, :type4, :type5 ] 

in seeds have:

books = book.all books.each |book|   title = faker::lorem.sentence(3)   article_type = ["type1", "type2", "type3", "type4", "type5"].sample   book.articles.create!( title: title,                          article_type: article_type ) end 

problem: create line produces error: activerecord::recordinvalid: validation failed: article type can't blank. causing this? (i can confirm .sample line works , picks 1 of 5 types)

update: if change article_type string integer, works. should do? because isn't integer, it...?

rails enum expects corresponding db column integer, yours string.

so either change integer or substitute enum value validation.


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