Spring Security Custom Filter URL mapping is npt working with JdbcDAOImpl -

spring security.xml:

 <!--form login-->         <form-login login-page="/userlogin" default-target-url="/xplorehome"                     authentication-failure-handler-ref="exceptiontranslationfilter"/>                 <logout invalidate-session="true" logout-url="/logout" />     <!--exception filters-->         <beans:bean id="exceptiontranslationfilter"                 class="org.springframework.security.web.authentication.exceptionmappingauthenticationfailurehandler">                 <beans:property name="exceptionmappings">                     <beans:props>                     <beans:prop                             key="org.springframework.security.authentication.badcredentialsexception">/userlogin?x=1</beans:prop>                         <beans:prop                             key="org.springframework.security.authentication.credentialsexpiredexception">/resetpasswd</beans:prop>                         <beans:prop                              key="org.springframework.security.authentication.lockedexception">/resetpasswd</beans:prop>                         <beans:prop                             key="org.springframework.secuirty.authentication.disabledexception">/resetpasswd</beans:prop>                      </beans:props>                 </beans:property>             </beans:bean> <!--jdbc user service--> <jdbc-user-service data-source-ref="datasource"                 users-by-username-query="select emailaddress,password,active userdetails emailaddress=?"                 authorities-by-username-query="select ux.emailaddress,ax.authority userdetails ux,userauthority ax ux.pk_user_id=ax.pk_authority_id ,  ux.emailaddress=?" /> 

if active value in db column set 0 user disabled exception in browser instead of resetpassword page

resetpassword page accessible authenticated users.

how web app works or intended work:

when new user registers send temporary password email address , set active 0.

when uses password login first time need force him change password error

http status 401 - authentication failed: user disabled

and came across exception spring docs says if user account disabled never authenticate user , hence not able navigate resetpassword page, how resolve issue?and force user resetpassword page.

if works can apply logic forgotpwd logic too,where send temporary password user's email address , set active zero.

i hope make sense in above explanation!


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