How to select an item from a combobox inside grid control in xaml windows 8 App? -

i developing windows 8 app in have placed combobox inside dev express windows8 grid control.i can populate date combobox , can save selectionitem in database. when loading again selected value in combo box not getting defaulted.

<datatemplate >    <combobox x:name="cnumber" selectedvaluepath="id" displaymemberpath="value"    selectedvalue="{binding path=areaseq, mode=twoway}" loaded="cnumber_loaded_1"     height="30" width="60" tag="{binding areaid}"     style="{staticresource comboboxstyle1}"    selectionchanged="combobox_selectionchanged_1" /> </datatemplate> 

in loaded function populating grid , in selectionchanged storing value.


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