Adding and scaling polynomials in python using class -

i'm making polynomial class can't add , scale function work properly.

the scale function should work multiplying coefficients of polynomial given x. example if y=2x^3+4x^2 , x=2, y=4x^3+8x^2

the add function should add terms of 2 polynomials.

i've added comments code explain how trying functions work

class polynomial:  def __init__(self, coefficients):     self.coeffs=coefficients  def scale(self, x):     return polynomial(self.coeffs*x)  def add(self, other):     #getting highest degree add      maxcoeff=max(,     #adding 0's end of shortest 1 make adding easiers (pairwise)     self_temp = self.coeffs + [0]*(     other_temp = other.coeffs + [0]*(     #adding elementwise     coeffs = [self_temp[i] + other_temp[i] in range(len(other_temp))]     return polynomial(coeffs) 

this not looking for:

def scale(self, x):     return polynomial(self.coeffs*x) 

with multiplication growing/shrinking list.

because coeffs iterable. want:

def scale(self, x):     return polynomial([c * x c in self.coeffs]) 

and this:

self_temp = self.coeffs + [0]*( other_temp = other.coeffs + [0]*( coeffs = [self_temp[i] + other_temp[i] in range(len(other_temp)) 

can possibly better expressed as:

coeffs = [x + y x, y in itertools.izip_longest(self.coeffs, other.coeffs, fillvalue=0)] 


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