PHP: imagepng() creates broken image -

i have problem creating thumnail of png image.

this works:

    $src = imagecreatefromjpeg("".$folder.$filename);     $rootfolder = $_server['document_root'] ;     $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($targ_w, $targ_h);     imagecopyresampled($tmp, $src, 0,0,$_post['x'],$_post['y'],$targ_w,$targ_h,$_post['w'],$_post['h']);     imagejpeg($tmp, $rootfolder.$folder.'thumb_'.$filename,100);      imagedestroy($tmp);     imagedestroy($src); 

then change 2 jpeg functions png, this:

    $src = imagecreatefrompng("".$folder.$filename);     $rootfolder = $_server['document_root'] ;     $tmp = imagecreatetruecolor($targ_w, $targ_h);     imagecopyresampled($tmp, $src, 0,0,$_post['x'],$_post['y'],$targ_w,$targ_h,$_post['w'],$_post['h']);     imagepng($tmp, $rootfolder.$folder.'thumb_'.$filename,100);      imagedestroy($tmp);     imagedestroy($src); 

but image broken, message shows when try open it:

error message

any ideas of how solve this?

check out $quality parameter should 0 9 png files. , @jeroen said, should check return values.


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