Nonblocking simultaneous assignments to wires and registers in Verilog -
i interested write verilog module simultaneously update several outputs following code, makes 3 operations @ same time (clk 10):
module mymodule (a,b,c,d,e); input a; input b; output c; output d; output e; wire b; wire a; wire c; wire d; reg e; initial begin c <= #10 (a+b); d <= #10 a; e <= #10 b; end endmodule
is code legal?
how todo 1 off assign of variables after 10 timeunits or clocks:
as testbench level construct:
reg c,d,e; initial begin #10; c = a+b; d = a; e = b; end
for rtl (synthesis) first need testbench clock.
generate clock in testharness :
reg clk ; //rising edge every 10 timesteps initial begin clk = 0; #5; forever begin #5 ; clk = ~clk; end end
build counter counts 10 , once reaches 10 enables flip-flop load new values.
wire enable = (counter == 4'b10); @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (~rst_n) begin c <= 1'b0; d <= 1'b0; e <= 1'b0; end else if (enable) begin c <= (a+b); d <= a; e <= b; end end endmodule
extra verilog tips
outputs implicitly wires no need redefine them.
non-blocking assignments <=
use in @(posedge clk)
when inferring flip-flops.
s or logic
types can assigned inside always
or initial
blocks. wire
s used assign
or connectivity between ports.
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