BrowserSync with gulp and wamp not refreshing php files -

my gulp file:

var gulp        = require('gulp'); var browsersync = require('browser-sync').create();  //server gulp.task('run', function() {     browsersync.init({         proxy: "http://localhost/test-site/"     });"./*.php").on('change', browsersync.reload); }); 

when running gulp run terminal it's fire browser , shows page expected without "connected browsersync" msg , when saving changes gulp watch fires , terminal shows [bs] reloading browsers... browser not refreshing page

now on other hand when i'm changing file extension "html" , gulp watch"./*.html").on('change', browsersync.reload); work expected: when running task it's fire browser, time "connected browsersync" msg , when saving changes refresh page. today did manage refresh page on php file change lost , can't find reason why it's not working more, couldn't find post on google ideas ?

create reload , projectphpwatchfiles objects

var projectphpwatchfiles = './**/*.php'; // path php files.     var reload = browsersync.reload; // manual browser reload. 

then in watch process, add this projectphpwatchfiles, reload); // reload on php file changes. 

and start refreshing on changes. if use wordpres, have handy repo wpgulp takes care of this.


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