java - Android JSON Parsing issue: seems to seperate it into 2 seperate objects and only recognizes one -

what does: android app going mimic site team creating, second page, display th airpoprts fit search requested.



$sql = "select apname,apcity,apstate,apcountry,iata airports match(apname,apcity,apstate,apcountry,iata) against (? in boolean mode)"; $link = connecttodb(); if($stmt = $link->prepare($sql)) {     $stmt->bind_param('s', $search);      if($stmt->execute())     {         $stmt->store_result();         if($stmt->num_rows >= 1)         {             $resultset = array();              $stmt->bind_result($apname, $apcity, $apstate, $apcountry, $iata);             $search_rows = $stmt->num_rows;             if($search_rows > 0){             while($stmt->fetch())             {                 $resultset[] = array('apname' => $apname, 'apcity' => $apcity, 'apstate' => $apstate, 'apcountry' => $apcountry, 'iata' => $iata);                 //echo "your search returned $search_rows results";                 //echo "<a href='/airports/airport.php?iata=".$iata."'>".$apname."</a><br>";     print(json_encode($resultset)); ... 

java :

private void fetchresults(string searchfor){             string result = "";             //the year data send             arraylist<namevaluepair> namevaluepairs = new arraylist<namevaluepair>();             namevaluepairs.add(new basicnamevaluepair("search", searchfor));               //http post             try{                 httpclient httpclient = new defaulthttpclient();                 httppost httppost = new httppost("");                 httppost.setentity(new urlencodedformentity(namevaluepairs));                 httpresponse response = httpclient.execute(httppost);                 entity = response.getentity();                 = entity.getcontent();                 //system.out.println("------------looks here");             }catch(exception e){                 log.e("log_tag", "error in http connection "+e.tostring());             }             //convert response string             try{                 bufferedreader reader = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(is,"iso-8859-1"),8);                 stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();                 string line = null;                 while ((line = reader.readline()) != null) {                         sb.append(line + "\n");                 }                 is.close();                  result=sb.tostring();                 //system.out.println(result);             }catch(exception e){                 log.e("log_tag", "error converting result "+e.tostring());             }              system.out.println(result);             //parse json data             try{                 jsonarray jarray = new jsonarray(result);                 system.out.println();                 results = new apresult[jarray.length()];                 for(int i=0;i<jarray.length();i++){                     system.out.println("-----------jarray.length");                         jsonobject json_data = jarray.getjsonobject(i);                         results[i] = new apresult(                                 json_data.getstring("iata"),                                 json_data.getstring("apname"),                                 json_data.getstring("apcity"),                                 json_data.getstring("apstate"),                                 json_data.getstring("apcountry")                         );                 }             }catch(jsonexception e){                 log.e("log_tag", "error parsing data "+e.tostring());             }         } 

result result of printing out result string:

03-13 07:40:06.985: i/system.out(220):  [{"apname":"bismarck municipal airport","apcity":"bismarck","apstate":"north dakota","apcountry":"united states","iata":"bis"}][{"apname":"bismarck municipal  airport","apcity":"bismarck","apstate":"north dakota","apcountry":"united states","iata":"bis"},{"apname":"hector international airport","apcity":"fargo","apstate":"north dakota","apcountry":"united  states","iata":"far"}][{"apname":"bismarck municipal airport","apcity":"bismarck","apstate":"north dakota","apcountry":"united states","iata":"bis"},{"apname":"hector international  airport","apcity":"fargo","apstate":"north dakota","apcountry":"united states","iata":"far"},{"apname":"cologne bonn airport","apcity":"cologne \/ bonn","apstate":"north rhine-westphalia","apcountry":"germany","iata":"cgn"}][{"apname":"bismarck municipal airport","apcity":"bismarck","apstate":"north  dakota","apcountry":"united states","iata":"bis"},{"apname":"hector international airport","apcity":"fargo","apstate":"north dakota","apcountry":"united states","iata":"far"},{"apname":"cologne bonn airport","apcity":"cologne \/ bonn","apstate":"north rhine-westphalia","apcountry":"germany","iata":"cgn"}, {"apname":"dusseldorf international airport","apcity":"dusseldorf","apstate":"north rhine-westphalia","apcountry":"germany","iata":"dus"}] 

the thing is, jarray.length = 1, tho received many more that. , can see form output, string seems separated 2 sections, first [{"apname":"bismarck municipal airport","apcity":"bismarck","apstate":"north dakota","apcountry":"united states","iata":"bis"}] while others separated comas.

to fix issue added function fixed bug:

private string fixbug(string result) {         result = result.replace("][", ",");             return result;         } 

but know why occurred in first place.

you should not make seperate json per result. should contain results in 1 json. save data in variable, , outside of while loop can encode valid json. try using validation.

right have

while() {     $resultset[] = array('apname' => $apname, 'apcity' => $apcity, 'apstate' => $apstate, 'apcountry' => $apcountry, 'iata' => $iata);     print(json_encode($resultset)); } 

which should be

while() {     $resultset[] = array('apname' => $apname, 'apcity' => $apcity, 'apstate' => $apstate, 'apcountry' => $apcountry, 'iata' => $iata); } print(json_encode($resultset)); 


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