python - Adding dictionaries -
i'm trying build function
def adding_3dict(d1,d2,d3)
the function gets 3 dictionaries d1,d2,d3, create them 1 dictionary d such if key found in more 1 dictionary d1,d2,d3, value in d tuple values in dictionaries. rest of pairs d1,d2,d3, copied d . function returns new dictionary d.
d1={1:'a',3:'d',5:'e'} d2={1:'b',3:(11,22),7:'f',4:'q'} d3={2:'c',3:'x',4:'t',8:'g'}
the output dictionary is:
d = {1: ('a', 'b'), 2: 'c', 3: ('d', (11, 22), 'x'), 4: ('q', 't'), 5: 'e', 7: 'f', 8: 'g'}
i tried:
import collections d1={} d2={} d3={} def adding_3dict(d1,d2,d3): d={} d=dict(d1.items() + d2.items()+ d3.items() ) return d
i tried , output is:
>>> >>> adding_3dict( {1:'a',3:'d',5:'e'}, {1:'b',3:(11,22),7:'f',4:'q'} , {2:'c',3:'x',4:'t',8:'g'} ) {1: 'b', 2: 'c', 3: 'x', 4: 't', 5: 'e', 7: 'f', 8: 'g'} #the output >>>
how can change output
{1: 'b', 2: 'c', 3: 'x', 4: 't', 5: 'e', 7: 'f', 8: 'g'}
{1: ('a', 'b'), 2: 'c', 3: ('d', (11, 22), 'x'), 4: ('q', 't'), 5: 'e', 7: 'f', 8: 'g'}
here's solution accept arbitrary number of dictionaries:
from itertools import chain def custom_dictmerge(*args): result = {} keys = set(chain(*(d.keys() d in args))) k in keys: result[k] = tuple(d[k] d in args if k in d) if len(result[k]) == 1: result[k] = result[k][0] return result
call custom_dictmerge(d1, d2, d3)
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