android - Compile error building project with multiple flavors and Play Services -

when trying build play services enabled project multiple flavors, compile errors. think might related package names not matching, not sure. have hints doing wrong?

i using newer gradle plugin allows (per gh issue)

i seeing error when try build multiple flavors:

error:(115, 50) error: cannot find symbol variable global_tracker 

i double checked package names match expectation, wonder if still not correct.

my build.gradle looks this:

productflavors {         app1 {             applicationid ""             manifestplaceholders = [domain:"examplea"]         }         imore {             applicationid ""             manifestplaceholders = [domain:"exampleb"]         }         crackberry {             applicationid ""             manifestplaceholders = [domain:"examplec"]         } 

an example of 1 of google-services.json files (which located @ main/src/examplea) is:

{   "project_info": {     "project_id": "",     "project_number": "",     "name": ""   },   "client": [     {       "client_info": {         "mobilesdk_app_id": "1:10908349452:android:bb075abfhadshfjd",         "client_id": "",         "client_type": 1,         "android_client_info": {           "package_name": ""         }       },       "oauth_client": [],       "api_key": [],       "services": {         "analytics_service": {           "status": 1         },         "cloud_messaging_service": {           "status": 1,           "apns_config": []         },         "appinvite_service": {           "status": 1,           "other_platform_oauth_client": []         },         "google_signin_service": {           "status": 1         },         "ads_service": {           "status": 1         }       }     }   ] } 

i figured out issue, flavors didn't have google analytics config info, apparently plugin wasn't generating config files variant.

i double checked each of flavor's google-services.json files, , realized of them had analytics info (like this):

"analytics_service": {           "status": 2,           "analytics_property": {             "tracking_id": "ua-10xxxxx6-1"           }         }, 

while others had (which incorrect):

"analytics_service": {           "status": 1         } 

i made sure both consistent (and had analytics config info), , resolved build issues.


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