c# - KendoGrid not populating but it should be -
i have kendogrid in view , reason, not populating , have no idea why, things show should, isn't wanting to, maybe missing something?
this order of events...
$(document).ready(function () { getcataloginfo(); }) function getcataloginfo() { $.ajax({ type: "get", url: urlparams.getthecatalog, datatype: "json", contenttype: "application/json; charset=utf-8", success: function (data, textstatus, jqxhr) { thecataloggrid(data); } }) }
here grid
function thecataloggrid(catalogdata) { $("#cataloggrid").kendogrid({ datasource: { catalogdata }, columns: [{ field: "globalgroupid", title: "globalgroupid", hidden: true }, { field: "globalgroupname", title: "groupname" }], scrollable: true, sortable: true, pageable: false, selectable: "row", height: 275 }) }
my controller looks this
public jsonresult getcatalog() { list<gridcatalog> lst = new list<gridcatalog>(); _catalog = catalogobjectfactory.getcatalog("c:\\programdata\\advanceware\\catalogdlls", "cabparts", "2015.09.28-22.14.15"); // comment out debugging catalog reference catalogsproject if (_catalog != null) { _globalgroupoptions = new globalgroupoptions(_catalog); var query = ggo in _globalgroupoptions select new { globalgroupid = ggo.globalgroup.globalgroupid, globalgrouplevel = ggo.globalgroup.level, globalgroupname = ggo.globalgroup.globalgroupname, isrequired = (ggo.globalgroup.required == 0) ? "" : "!", optionname = ggo.currentglobaloption == null ? "" : (ggo.isvalid ? ggo.currentglobaloption.optionname : ""), currentoptionid = ggo.currentglobaloption == null ? 0 : ggo.currentglobaloption.optionid, invalidoption = ggo.currentglobaloption == null ? "" : (ggo.isvalid ? "" : ggo.currentglobaloption.optionname) }; foreach(var item in query) { lst.add(new gridcatalog { globalgroupid = item.globalgroupid, globalgroupname = item.globalgroupname }); } } return json(lst, jsonrequestbehavior.allowget); }
here data class
public class gridcatalog { public int globalgroupid { get; set; } public string globalgroupname { get; set; } public int globalgrouplevel { get; set; } public string isrequired { get; set; } public string optionname { get; set; } public int currentoptionid { get; set; } public string invalidoption { get; set; } }
the data present in lst variable, have double checked while stepping through controller , when use developer tools in google chrome, , here pic of data watch in chrome
here code in view
<div id="cataloggrid"> </div>
the data there reason grid doesn't want populate
i think problem in datasource, try this:
datasource: { type: "json", data: catalogdata, }
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