angularjs - colons in directive names - ng:repeat instead of ng-repeat -
obviously code here works
<tr ng:repeat="item in invoice.items"> <td><input type="text" ng:model="item.description"class="input-small"></td> <td><input type="number" ng:model="item.qty" ng:required class="input-mini"></td> <td><input type="number" ng:model="item.cost" ng:required class="input-mini"></td> <td>{{item.qty * item.cost | currency}}</td> <td> <a href ng:click="removeitem($index)">×</a> </td> </tr>
but why use colons?
the docs nothing syntax.
from docs:
best practice: prefer using dash-delimited format (e.g. ng-bind ngbind). if want use html validating tool, can instead use data-prefixed version (e.g. data-ng-bind ngbind). the other forms shown above are accepted legacy reasons advise avoid them.
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