git - Where does Gollum (the wiki engine) store its files? (when created via browser) -

i've got gollum deployed on server. set wiki directory, seeded files, created git repo there, called gollum on directory.

i can access wiki via browser , update , create files. however, can't find of new files or of updates in filesystem.

are gollum updated files accessible command line somewhere?

gollum reads , write git repository.

let's see how work. command git tree show commits, branch, , local , remote repository. let's run it:

* 9d80e8f (head -> master, origin/master, origin/head) sidebar * d09d2fe sidebar * b6f0b07 headers * 293a8b9 citação * b2c3723 cronograma 

the output shows many commits, first 1 last.

now let's open gollum, , make change. make simple, let's edit home file, clicking on edit. make change, , write commit title described before saving it:

enter image description here

now let's see repository status , it's tree:

$ git status on branch master branch ahead of 'origin/master' 1 commit.   (use "git push" publish local commits)  $ git tree * d00382c (head -> master) recomendação para utilizar os links rodapé * 9d80e8f (origin/master, origin/head) sidebar * d09d2fe sidebar * b6f0b07 headers * 293a8b9 citação * b2c3723 cronograma 

you can see commit made.

your first question was: where gollum (the wiki engine) store files? (when created via browser)

answer: on git repository doing commits.

your second question was: are gollum updated files accessible command line somewhere?

answer: local copy of file shows in working directory copy, doesn't loaded gollum. if have changed can run git checkout -- filename last version of commited @ repostory.

if have setup bare repository, it's bit different. won't see copy of regular files, internal git file. if want know how git files organized recommend read git internals pdf book.

for example, list committed files @ master branch can use ls-tree command:

$ git ls-tree master --abbrev 100644 blob 9ca0ea7 "adicionando-refer\303\" 100644 blob 489ed0b "apresenta\303\247\303\" 100644 blob 34d2b6c baixando um modelo de 100644 blob c4a5865 "citando-as-refer\303\" 100644 blob 7d5bb96 100644 blob 770917a como criar 100644 blob 5b9b18f "configura\303\247\303\243o" 100644 blob c2c74b7 "configura\303\247\303\" 100644 blob 01d7f3e 100644 blob 1af9d33 100644 blob 5f98f2d 100644 blob 1bdc46d 100644 blob ea80774 estrutura de 100644 blob b080597 100644 blob 7cb4f77 100644 blob f9fbacd gerando o 100644 blob 1a5bc95 100644 blob a548ddc 

by way, that's @thilo means saying: "in case use git tool @ them".


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