c++ - Linker can't find function definitions, LNK2001 unresolved external symbol -
here simple setup: (i've hidden lots of unneeded information)
//autofocustest.h #include "camavtex.h" class cautofocustestapp : public cwinapp { protected: camera_t* mcamera; public: virtual bool initinstance(); }; //camavtex.h class camera_avtcam_ex_t : public camera_t { public: camera_avtcam_ex_t(); virtual ~camera_avtcam_ex_t(); //member variables //member function declarations } //camavtex.cpp #include "camavtex.h" camera_avtcam_ex_t::camera_avtcam_ex_t() { //stuff } camera_avtcam_ex_t::~camera_avtcam_ex_t() { //stuff } //the rest defined here in program //autofocustest.cpp #include autofocustest.h bool cautofocustestapp::initinstance() { mcamera = new camera_avtcam_ex_t(); }
this setup produces error:
3>autofocustest.obj : error lnk2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl camera_avtcam_ex_t::camera_avtcam_ex_t(void)" (??0camera_avtcam_ex_t@@qeaa@xz)
from i've read on relatively common problem, have not linked causing camera_avtcam_ex_t function definitions not found. however, can't figure out have missed. have added of include directories , library directories, added library files additional dependencies section.
can spot might missing?
assuming have defined constructor camera_avtcam_ex_t
, it's declared private
, can't instantiate it.
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