excel - Code meant to copy rows from one sheet to another if there are specific strings in 2 columns keeps crashing -

whenever run code crashes. please help!

this code supposed do. unknown amount of filled rows, if column g of worksheet "current pm" contains either "as-001", "ee-001", "mm-001", "os-001", "co-001", "do-001", "fo-001", "fd-001", "to-001", "ip-001" , column h contains "pdr" copy row "current pm" sheet "print_current pms" sheet.

sub sort4printing()  dim integer, j integer  = 2: j = 2  while isempty(worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 1)) = false  if worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 8) = "pdr"  if worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 7) = "as-001" or worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 7) = "ee-001" or worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 7) = "mm-001" or worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 7) = "os-001" or worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 7) = "fo-001" or worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 7) = "fd-001" or worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 7) = "to-001" or worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 7) = "ip-001"  worksheets("print_current pms").cells(j, 1) = worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 1) worksheets("print_current pms").cells(j, 2) = worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 2) worksheets("print_current pms").cells(j, 3) = worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 12) worksheets("print_current pms").cells(j, 4) = worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 4) worksheets("print_current pms").cells(j, 5) = worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 5) worksheets("print_current pms").cells(j, 6) = worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 6) worksheets("print_current pms").cells(j, 7) = worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 7) worksheets("print_current pms").cells(j, 8) = worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 8) worksheets("print_current pms").cells(j, 9) = worksheets("current pm").cells(i, 10)      i=i+1: j=j+1 end if end if wend  end sub 

while, don't know exactly why crashes, can offer clean-up , techniques cut down on processing of code.

  1. no need iterate through 2 variables, since both same counter
  2. dimension counting variable type long, if there more 32,767 rows integer variable fall due it's byte limitation.
  3. using with block when working objects, instead of referencing object
  4. using select case statement multiple conditions on same object (i believe) take less processing multiple if or conditions. it's a lot more reader friendly.

see refactored code:

sub sort4printing()  dim long  = 2  worksheets("current pm")      while not isempty(.cells(i, 1))          if .cells(i, 8) = "pdr"              select case .cells(i, 7)                  case = "as-001", "ee-001", "mm-001", "os-001", "fo-001", "fd-001", "to-001", "ip-001"                      worksheets("print_current pms").cells(i, 1) = .cells(i, 1)                     worksheets("print_current pms").cells(i, 2) = .cells(i, 2)                     worksheets("print_current pms").cells(i, 3) = .cells(i, 12)                     worksheets("print_current pms").cells(i, 4) = .cells(i, 4)                     worksheets("print_current pms").cells(i, 5) = .cells(i, 5)                     worksheets("print_current pms").cells(i, 6) = .cells(i, 6)                     worksheets("print_current pms").cells(i, 7) = .cells(i, 7)                     worksheets("print_current pms").cells(i, 8) = .cells(i, 8)                     worksheets("print_current pms").cells(i, 9) = .cells(i, 10)              end select          end if          = + 1      wend  end  end sub 


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