node.js - CI Runner - use G++ 4.8 for npm install step -

i want have ci runner use g++ 4.8 npm install step. messing around witht .gitlab-ci.yml - here current version:

before_script:  - . /etc/profile.d/  - . /etc/profile.d/  - nvm use v5.3.0  build:  script:  - scl enable devtoolset-2 bash  - g++ --version  - npm install  - gulp build  tags:  - shell  style-analysis:  script:  - gulp style  tags:  - shell 

unforutnately build failing. step "scl enable devtoolset-2 bash" should sweitch g++ 4.8 , when runner on console directly. next line "g++ --version" meant capture version can debug happening here. not show version 4.8 instead 4.4. whcih cause build fail. here "head" of output

gitlab-ci-multi-runner 0.7.2 (998cf5d)  using shell executor...  running on hqdevrunner01...  fetching changes...  removing node_modules/  head @ 082a6fa remove allow failure  082a6fa..9e36ed9 master -> origin/master  checking out 9e36ed91 master...  previous head position 082a6fa... remove allow failure  head @ 9e36ed9... g++4.8 , c++ 11 feaures enabled part of build  $ . /etc/profile.d/  $ . /etc/profile.d/  $ nvm use v5.3.0  using node v5.3.0 (npm v3.3.12)  $ scl enable devtoolset-2 bash  $ npm install  npm warn deprecated lodash@1.0.2: lodash@<2.0.0 no longer maintained. upgrade lodash@^3.0.0  npm warn install couldn't install optional dependency: unsupported  npm warn engine xmlbuilder@2.4.4: wanted: {"node":"0.8.x || 0.10.x || 0.11.x"} (current: {"node":"5.3.0","npm":"3.3.12"})  npm warn deprecated lodash-node@2.4.1: package no longer maintained. see readme upgrade details.  > ursa@0.9.1 install /home/gitlab-runner/builds/6acc3401/0/operations/frt-technical-operations-portal/node_modules/chef-api/node_modules/ursa  > node-gyp rebuild  make: entering directory `/home/gitlab-runner/builds/6acc3401/0/operations/frt-technical-operations-portal/node_modules/chef-api/node_modules/ursa/build'  cxx(target) release/  in file included ../src/ursanative.h:10,  ../src/  ../node_modules/nan/nan.h:41:3: error: #error version of node/nan/v8 requires c++11 compiler  in file included /home/gitlab-runner/.node-gyp/5.3.0/include/node/node.h:42,  ../src/ursanative.h:9,  ../src/ 

it looks though value 1 step not carried forward next step. instance - if happen in own shells.

gitlab actively working move project forward. @ point, work in 1 step not carried forward other steps. beleive theory each step can carried our in parallel on different ci runners.

my solution: mega step

build:  script:  - scl enable devtoolset-2 bash  - g++ --version  - npm install  - gulp build  - gulp style  tags:  - shell 

its work arond now.


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