mysql - Accessing rows from a mysqli join query in php -

i have following code:

// db connection info set earlier $sql= "select ``, ``, `potato` `` left join `table_2` on `table_1`.`id` = `table_2`.`id_of_other_table`;"; $rows = mysqli_query($connection, $sql); foreach ($rows $row){     $potato = $row["potato"];     $id = $row[""]; } 

i can't i've tried doing print_r proper format, says it's mysqli object , don't more info that. however, can potato. i'm guessing it's calling syntax issue, i've searched multiple sites (stack , google included) , not found clear answer. so, need instead of

$id = $row[""]; 


assign aliases columns same name.

$sql= "select `table_1`.`id` t1_id, `table_2`.`id` t2_id, `potato`         ``         left join `table_2` on `table_2`.`id_of_other_table` = `table_1`.`id`;"; $rows = mysqli_query($connection, $sql); foreach ($rows $row){     $potato = $row["potato"];     $id = $row["t2_id"]; } 


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