batch file - How do I install Chocolatey packages to another drive? -

i try create .bat file automate installation of several apps on virtual machine. use chocolatey, have difficulties installation of 3 apps: winmerge, adobereader, ,

i want install these apps on drive: f:\program files. tried many commands, none work.

> choco upgrade adobereader -y -ia "installdir=""f:\program files\adobe""" > choco upgrade   -y -ia "installdir=""f:\program files\""" > choco upgrade winmerge    -y -ia "installdir=""f:\program files\winmerge""" installed in c:\ drive. winmerge extracts files on f: drive, isn't installed. , adobe reader fails.

it may understand first there different types of installers windows applications (in chocolatey terminology call them native installers) , accept custom directory location different argument (and not @ if homegrown custom version). have documented @ (which you've read based on use of install arguments).

  • msi- either targetdir or installdir (as have).
  • nsis - /d location out quotes if spaces , must passed last argument.
  • innosetup - /dir="location"

there reason have (with original 2011) , better reason haven't implemented yet - it's not easy without knowing installer type ahead of time. planned, because huge win if support 1 switch override them all.


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