r - Deploying shiny app not displaying ggvis graph -
i'm trying deploy shiny app i've created. displays locally doesn't not display correctly when deploying it. have following ui , server scripts:
# ui.r library("shiny") library("ggvis") shinyui(fluidpage( titlepanel("barcelona wine menu"), sidebarlayout( sidebarpanel( helptext("display information selected variable"), selectinput("var", label = "choose variable display", choices = c("mpc", "mpv"), selected = "mpc") ), mainpanel( ggvisoutput("meanpc") ) ) )) # server.r library("shiny") library("ggvis") shinyserver( function(input, output) { mpc <- mean.price.country mpv <- mean.price.vintage selection <- reactive({ifelse (input$var=="mpc", return(mpc), return(mpv))}) observe({ selection() %>% ggvis(~v1, ~v2) %>% layer_bars() %>% bind_shiny("meanpc" ) })})
when deploy, see second picture doesn't display data when run locally. haven't been able find similar issues majority errors. know why isn't deploying properly? i've read through shinyapp.io documentation , followed steps without avail. thank you.
the answer first troubleshooting step suggested mike wise. data using stored "locally" within environment. when published shiny, didn't recognize data. did create excel sheet in working directory folder , imported data function wrote above.
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