spring - Pivotal Cloud Foundry with Mongo DB -

we planning use mongo db application deployed in cloud foundry. came across link talks limitations of integration. cloud foundry not support mongo db managed service or not support mongo db if external connection parameters used?

i have used cloudfoundry learning spring boot , cloud deployment, , deployed 2 spring boot apps 1 mongodb service provided cf , configured externally.

in both case mongodb service provider mongolab (mongolab.com)

cf provides mongodb via mongolab service can mongodbass mongolab.com , configure app use mongodb.

the link posted refers "p-mongodb" service, doesn't exists anymore. ran cf marketplace , don't see p-mongodb available. guess pivotal removed old p-mongodb service new mongolab service.

checkout link - https://console.run.pivotal.io/marketplace/mongolab.

ps: here deployed app - http://blogaggregator.cfapps.io


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