wordpress - Getting page ID in a template that has no loop -

i have form collects data on product , puts data wp_posts table , wp_postmeta table. can build permalink around id , if wp_redirect permalink wordpress should try display page.

the page's template called listing.php, , has no loop. purpose display these product pages placing data in wp_posts table , wp_postmeta table various divs. i'm wondering how template can id of page it's building can access wp_posts table , wp_postmeta table. i'd $meta = get_post_meta( get_the_id() ) codex says can use get_the_id() in loop , don't have 1 of those. how should doing this?


the sound , reliable way page id of current page make use og queried object. 2 functions get_queried_object() , get_queried_object_id() hold info of current page (on category, tag, taxonomy , author pages hold current category, tag, term , author info respectively)

to page id, use

$page_id = get_queried_object_id(); echo $page_id; 


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